Monday, November 26, 2012
LAD #20: Emancipation Proclamation

LAD #19: Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address

Wednesday, November 21, 2012
LAD #18: Dred Scott Decision

Monday, November 19, 2012
LAD #17: Ain't I a Woman?
Sojourner Truth at the Women's Convention in Akron, Ohio stating her beliefs on women's rights. She believes it is unfair because she comes from unfair treatment. During this time period, blacks and women were not treated fairly and Truth talks about how nobody has helped her into carriages or over mud puddles. Instead she works on plantations and sees her children separate being sold to slavery. Truth believes that men have no right to treat women poorly because God came from a woman which means they should be capable of treating them fairly.
LAD #16: 5th of July Speech
Frederick Douglas begins his speech by asking the audience why is he is there in Rochester. He claims that the Fourth of July is not celebratory day for all. The blacks are unable to celebrate this day because it is only for whites. It is a joke to blacks as the Fourth of July stresses the importance of independence and freedom, yet their own population does not treat them with freedom. "What, to the American slave, is your Fourth of July?" There basically is no point for the blacks to celebrate for the superior races' freedom when they are not allowed to have their own. Douglas ends his speech with saying that he hopes slavery will come to an end someday because it goes against the countries' beliefs within the Constitution. 

Saturday, November 17, 2012
LAD 15 Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

LAD #14 Lincoln's First Inaugural Address

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
LAD #13 John Calhoun's Speech

LAD #12 Polk's War Message

Monday, November 12, 2012
LAD #11 - Seneca Falls Declaration
The Seneca Falls Declaration was risen up from the people that wanted to make a change. They stood out from the rest because they could not take what they were living with and needed to make the the best of their occupation. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Frances Wright, Ernestine Rose and many others participated in sharing their piece of mind to believe that they are equal. "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are
created equal". The women state how poorly that they have been mistreated and abused by men including how men take women as property and can take their money and how the man has made her morally irresponsible. Also, the women state their thoughts on solutions that the creator intended for all his people to be equal and that it is the women's responsibilities to speak and encourage teaching. Women played a key role in society and the Seneca Falls Declaration was a step forward in gaining their freedom.

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